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The Kingdom of Heaven: The Treasure, Pearl, and Dragnet

The Kingdom of Heaven: The Treasure, Pearl, and Dragnet. What would you do if you found something of such great value that it would forever change your life? Would you sell everything you currently own to possess it? Would you uproot your home and move across the world to own it? What would you risk for such a profound, life-changing treasure? This is the value, and infinitely more, of the Kingdom of Heaven. When we find this treasure, it becomes our responsibility to share all we have found.

Join us this week for part 5 of our Kingdom of Heaven study. Bring communion elements with you, as we will be partaking in holy communion together. If you have a prayer request, feel free to share them with us and we will pray with you over those things. Consider sharing this event on your social media pages. This helps us connect with a broader global audience.


Property of Endtime Church - fully online since 2018!

Endtime Church is is a nonprofit, tax exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. 1-775-ENDTIME

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