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Breaking False Gods: What Was Will Be Again

Breaking False Gods: What Was Will Be Again. The Old Covenant holds many examples of bold prophets and courageous priests who would not bow their knees to false gods. No threat of fierce lions, fiery furnaces, savage warfare, taunting giants, cultural rejection, political persecution, or pains of torture could sway the unwavering faith of these mighty men and women of God. But what happens when a nation forsakes the God of their fathers? How does the Lord respond when His priests and ministers take advantage of their clerical position to gain wealth, influence, and notoriety? Is the Lord long-suffering toward such a wicked priest, whose behavior causes His people to reject Him? Does the Lord break the self-imposed chains of idolatry to false gods?

The first book of Samuel records an interesting example of when a nation's faith is tarnished by sinful priests and the subsequent failure of faith that occurs when the people seek only the Lord's blessing, despite their collective rejection of Him. Samuel records how the Lord did not answer the desires and prayers of Israel for victory in battle and the subsequent loss of His presence in the land. Yet in Israel's rejection and mourning, the Lord devastated the nation's enemy, crushing its false gods, and humbling the people. When the Ark came back to Israel, the people had to learn how to properly handle the Sacred again and undergo a national revival before the Lord's presence truly favored Israel.

What was before will be again. We see a parallel example in the Book of Revelation and both books of Thessalonians. The people of God, the Church, reject Him, becoming apostates. In the place of God comes a false god, who is worshipped as God. When the people's strength is broken, the Lord comes riding on a white horse to destroy the false god, Antichrist. Just as Israel had to undergo a national revival under Samuel's leadership, the Church will likewise undergo a time of repentance and revival under the leadership of modern-day Samuels, those who rose to position, not by traditional means, but by the Lord's appointment. These will be the least of us, the unlikely, the marginalized, the rejected.

Come join us at 8 PM EST Monday as Dr. Anderson takes us on a journey through the Word, revealing this extraordinary example of God breaking false gods, and points us toward a future time when the ultimate false god is broken and cast into the lake of fire.

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