Breaking False Gods: The End of Idolatry. Last week, we discussed how the Lord broke the false god Dagon and the Philistine people while Israel was a rebellious people. This confrontation eventually led to the establishment of the monarchy in Israel in place of the Judges. Further, we talked about the perpetual struggle throughout Israel's history, from the Judges to the end of the monarchy, with Idolatry. The people would experience God's judgment, repent, enjoy restoration, and then transgress again until the Lord's judgment was exceedingly harsh. Since the Lord does not change, what He did in Israel will be done again in the Church, but also the world at large.
Many people in the Church fail to see that judgment begins in the house of God. Today, the Church will feel the harshness of the Lord's judgment for our idolatry, spiritual harlotry, and rebellion. Just as Israel regarded the Ark as the source of divine presence, nearly to the point of making the Ark itself an object of idolatry, many today view the sacred idolatrously. But as the Lord humbled Israel through mighty and terrifying judgments, the Church will also be humbled, so that we regard the Lord Jesus Christ as the object of worship and affection, not our buildings, denominations, traditions, relics, Eucharistic elements, altars, clerical officers, and so forth.
But an even greater object of idolatry will soon be on the world stage. This one, the Antichrist, will be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. When this happens, we will experience a complete end to idolatry. Join us as Dr. Anderson discusses idolatry today and in the future and the hope we have in Christ.