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Requirements for Endtime Church membership:
1. Monday service participation (viewing, sharing, commenting). Participation is not
always possible LIVE, but should be viewed, shared, or commented when viewed.
2. Get and use our App weekly by liking, commenting, or adding a post. Posts should be encouraging to other believers, prayer for the day, a brief inspiring scripture explaining why it is inspiring to them, and so forth. Joining and participating in a group is also encouraged.
3. Offering regular service to the Church. Financial giving and time/talents.
4. Completing Membership class via ETC website. Issuance of membership certificate and Member badge in App after successful completion.
Benefits of Endtime Church membership:
1. Voting on all ETC issues that are brought before the Church.
2. Right to petition the Elders on evidence-backed accusations of a Pastor’s moral failure, fiscal malfeasance or deceiving the flock.
3. Belonging to a real, accountable, connected international Body of Believers in Jesus Christ.